Kroeger Logo Firma Kröger
Bargteheide - Tel. 04532 282 98 98
Lagerliste PKW-Anhänger - Minutengenau aktualisiert
Zur Zeit sind 459 Auto Anhänger am Lager.

In the following List you can find our current stock of trailers.
Please keep in mind that the stock can change every time, so we consider to reserve the trailer if you have a long time drive.
This stock-list is updated everey few minutes, but we have to keep errors reserved.

The colors next to the current trailer refer to its ability to deliver in Bargteheide, Germany:
Red = Trailer may be ordered, not in stock.
Yellow = Only one trailer left in stock.
Green = Trailer enough in stock.

The blue button next to the current trailer will lead you to a offer in our online-shop. The shortcuts over the stock figures stand for::
Am. - Our main factory in 22949 Ammersbek, Hamburger Str. 26, Germany
Ba. - Our main factory in 22941 Bargteheide, Germany
Kl. - Delivery station in 17091 Knorrendorf, Germany
Or. - Delivery station in 06785 Oranienbaum, Germany
Pl. - Delivery station in 04928 Plessa, Germany
Tm. - Selling station in 39590 Tangermünde, Germany
BS. - Selling station in 13581 Berlin-Spandau, Germany
Fd. - Selling station in 24857 Fahrdorf, Germany

Our business hours in Bargteheide are from: Mo - Fr 8:00-17:00 Uhr,Sa 8:00-15:00 Uhr nur Schautag, keine Beratung, keine Abholungen
The fetch-times at our delivery station only with our agreement.

Berechnungszeit: 0.156261 Sekunden
davon PHP 0.123420 Sekunden
und MySQL 0.032841 Sekunden
für 3 Querys